Lincoln Swaine-Moore

📞 (571) 271-7927 | 🏠 3478 18th St. #2, San Francisco, CA | 📧 [email protected] 🔗 | 📠 | 🤝


QuantAQ, San Francisco, CA

Software Engineer (7/23-present)

  • Full stack; building and maintaining web platform and data ingestion for worldwide fleet of air quality monitors.

Swing Left, Washington, D.C.

Senior Software Engineer (1/21 - 1/23)

Software Engineer (9/18 - 12/20)

  • Full stack; maintaining and and building new tools (example project: Blueprint—winner of Fast Company Innovation by Design Award) for mobilizing grassroot volunteers to drive voter turnout.
  • Longest tenured (and for a time only) full-time engineer; deployment/DNS/database management responsibilities.
  • All manner of technical support for organizing, email, donation teams: analytics, internal tooling, and general consultation.

Quorum, Washington, D.C.

Software Engineer (9/17 - 8/18)

  • Backend team at political tech startup; maintained and improved systems for large-scale data collection and management (primarily from state and local government websites); shared deployment and on-call duties.

Yale University, New Haven, CT

Research Assistant, Professor Frances Rosenbluth (10/13 - 5/17)


Yale University, New Haven, CT

B.S., Computer Science (8/13 - 5/17)


  • Languages: Python (frameworks: Flask, Django, SQLAlchemy), SQL, Javascript (frameworks: AngularJS, React, Next.js, Express), Bash, HTML, (S)CSS, R, C, Java
  • Tools/platforms: PostgreSQL, Redis, Jupyter, ArcGIS, AWS, Snowflake, GCP